Job title: Assistant Professor in College of Computing and Mathematical Sciences
Company: Khalifa University
Job description: Khalifa University is a leading academic institution dedicated to providing world-class education, research, and innovation. The Department of Computer Science within the College of Computing and Mathematical Sciences at Khalifa University covers a wide array of fields including information systems, computer and information security, software engineering, Internet of Things, embedded systems, computer vision, artificial intelligence, among others. The department provides Bachelor of Science degrees in Computer Science and M.Sc. in Computer Science and Ph.D. in ECE.The department invites applications for two positions from highly motivated and experienced candidates to join our team as Lecturers in Computer Science. The successful candidates will help deliver undergraduate courses for our Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science.QUALIFICATIONSApplicants should possess an M.Sc. or equivalent degree in Computer Science or related disciplines from an accredited institution, along with a minimum of three years of teaching experience. Preference will be given to candidates with educational backgrounds from, or prior service in, distinguished higher education institutions.The successful candidates will join a vibrant and forward-thinking department with a focus on cutting-edge research and excellence in education. We are seeking lecturers in Computer Science to contribute to our academic mission. Responsibilities include teaching undergraduate courses at the 100 and 200 levels and actively participating in the academic community. Courses expected to be taught by successful candidates include, but are not limited to: Python Programming Language, Object-Oriented Programming (with Java), Principles of Computer Science, and an introductory course in Data Science/AI. Competitive remuneration and comprehensive employment benefits are offered.The candidate’s CV should include the following information, among others: Field of Specialization, Citation Data from Scopus and Scholar with links (if applicable), Academic Qualifications, Academic Honors and Awards, Membership of Professional Bodies; Summary of Courses Taught, Participation in Academic Accreditation (if any); Complete List of Publications (if any), Membership of Conference/journal Committees (if any).Should you require further assistance or if you face any issue with the online application, please feel to contact the Recruitment Team ( ).Share this jobSave jobClick to add the job to your shortlistYou need to or to save a job.Get job alertsCreate a job alert and receive personalised job recommendations straight to your inbox.Similar jobs
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Expected salary:
Location: Abu Dhabi
Job date: Tue, 27 Feb 2024 23:35:43 GMT
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