Professor/Assistant Professor/Associate Professor in Mathematics

Job title: Professor/Assistant Professor/Associate Professor in Mathematics

Company: Khalifa University

Job description: The Mathematics Department seeks to attract faculty working on modern fields of research that are needed to complement the research strength of the team, such as:

  • Mathematical Statistics, Quantitative Finance, and Probability
  • Machine Learning, Quantum and Scientific Computing
  • Optimization
  • Non-linear Dynamics of Complex Systems and Mathematical Biology
  • Mathematical Foundations: Algebra, Analysis and Differential equations

The Mathematics Department hosts a vibrant community of scholars who actively engage in research and development within rapidly emerging scientific fields. Research in the Mathematics Department is funded by local and international agencies. The department is actively working on setting up and developing modern experimental and computing research facilities.Candidates are expected to be leaders in research in their respective fields, with a proven record of independent research. All candidates should have an active Scopus profile. In addition to the number of Scopus publications in top journals (top 1%, 10%, Q1), the publications profile of the candidate, i.e., placement of authorship in publications that do not use alphabetical author order, number of publications with students, average publications per year, number of publications in recent years, etc. Furthermore, Math reviews and Zentralblat profiles will be analyzed and taken into account. Evidence of attraction of research funding as principal investigator also play a role. The candidates must provide credible evidence of their ability to create and lead a research team at KU. Teaching experience at undergraduate/postgraduate levels should be commensurate with the years of experience. The ranking of the PhD institution as well as the current employer standing are also factors that will be considered in the evaluation.The successful candidate is expected to teach at the undergraduate and graduate levels, establish and maintain an active research program that leads to peer-reviewed publications in high-impact professional journals, and provide service to the department, the university, and the professionQUALIFICATIONSAssistant Professor: Ph.D. + A minimum of 2 years of experience relevant to the position and proven research potential.Associate Professor: Ph.D. + A minimum of 8 years of experience relevant to the position, out of which at least 5 years should be at the level of Assistant Professor.Professor: Ph.D. + A minimum of 10 years of experience relevant to the position, out of which at least 5 years should be at the level of Associate ProfessorShould you require further assistance or if you face any issue with the online application, please feel to contact the Recruitment Team ( ).Share this jobSave jobClick to add the job to your shortlistYou need to or to save a job.Get job alertsCreate a job alert and receive personalised job recommendations straight to your inbox.Similar jobs

  • Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

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Expected salary:

Location: Abu Dhabi

Job date: Wed, 28 Feb 2024 07:59:28 GMT

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